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photo of Wellness Road Psychology


Is a neurological disorder that impacts the brain's ability to execute skills.

photo of Wellness Road Psychology

Neuropsychological Testing for ADHD

To help you and your healthcare providers to make informed decisions.

photo of Wellness Road Psychology

Adolescent Psychology

Adolescence is a time of physical, emotional, and cognitive development.

photo of Wellness Road Psychology

Adult ADHD Evaluations

We offer comprehensive testing to help diagnose and manage ADHD.

photo of Wellness Road Psychology


Anxiety can be a difficult and overwhelming experience.

photo of Wellness Road Psychology

Couples Counseling

Psychotherapy that focuses on improving your relationship.

photo of Wellness Road Psychology


Depression is one of the leading causes of disability worldwide.

photo of Wellness Road Psychology


We can help you recover from their loss and adjust to a new life.

photo of Wellness Road Psychology

Health Psychology

Look at how a person's thoughts, feelings, and behaviors can affect their physical health.

photo of Wellness Road Psychology


There aren’t nearly enough safe spaces in our communities where we feel truly comfortable.

photo of Wellness Road Psychology


Is a mode of mental health treatment that involves talking through your concerns and life’s hurdles

photo of Wellness Road Psychology


We provide counseling and other treatments to help you work through your trauma.

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